💱Restaking mechanism

  1. User Deposits LSDs and Receives Dorado Bounty Token (DORAB):

    • Users who hold LSDs may choose to restake their assets by depositing them into the restaking contract on Arbitrum.

    • Upon deposit, users receive Dorado Bounty Tokens (DORAB) representing their restaked assets.

  2. Deposit Contract on Arbitrum:

    • The restaking contract on Arbitrum manages the restaking process and interacts with the deposit contract on Arbitrum to hold the restaked assets securely.

  3. Withdraw (Once Available):

    • Similar to the staking process, users can initiate a withdrawal transaction once the restaking period is complete or withdrawal conditions are met.

    • The withdrawal process involves burning the DORAB tokens, and users receive their LSDs or staked assets, along with any accrued rewards or interest.

Last updated